What are CSS selectors?

In CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), selectors are used to target specific HTML elements and apply styles to them. Here are some of the most common types of CSS selectors and their differences:

Element selectors

Element selectors: These are the most basic type of selector, and they target specific HTML elements by their tag name. For example, the selector “p” would target all paragraphs on a page, while “h1” would target all level-one headings.

Class selectors

Class selectors: These selectors target HTML elements that have a specific class attribute value. Class selectors start with a period (.) followed by the class name. For example, the selector “.my-class” would target all elements that have the class attribute value of “my-class”.

You can use CSS class selectors in Burst to track goals. Read more

ID selectors

ID selectors: These selectors target HTML elements that have a specific ID attribute value. ID selectors start with a pound sign (#) followed by the ID name. For example, the selector “#my-id” would target the element that has the ID attribute value of “my-id”.

You can use CSS ID selectors in Burst to track goals. Read more

Attribute selectors

Attribute selectors: These selectors target HTML elements that have a specific attribute value, regardless of the attribute type. Attribute selectors can be used to target elements that have a specific value for an attribute, or elements that have a specific attribute at all. For example, the selector “[href]” would target all elements that have an href attribute, while the selector “[href=’https://example.com‘]” would target all elements that have an href attribute with the value “https://example.com“.

Descendant selectors

Descendant selectors: These selectors target HTML elements that are descendants of another element. Descendant selectors use a space to separate the parent element from the child element. For example, the selector “ul li” would target all list items that are descendants of unordered lists.

Child selectors

  1. Child selectors: These selectors target HTML elements that are direct children of another element. Child selectors use the greater-than sign (>) to separate the parent element from the child element. For example, the selector “ul > li” would target all list items that are direct children of unordered lists.

There are many more types of CSS selectors, but these are some of the most commonly used ones. By using different types of selectors, you can create highly specific styles for your website and ensure that they are applied only to the elements you want to target.

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