Disable rounding of visitor amounts
Option to disable rounding, so that the exact amounts of visitors is displayed (ex. 1725 instead of 1.7K).
Block bots from count
Either clearly mark bot traffic or block it from count. I haven’t activated yet as I can’t see any reference to bot traffic in your descriptions
Bouncerate Adjustment
Hi, I noticed that when the bouncerate decreases, the percentage is colored Red. Obviously a lower bouncerate is better so in this case it should be colored Green instead to my opinion.
Keep track of events
Keep track of events happening on the site, for example clicking a button or playing a video file, or making a purchase.
Memorize the daterange or set a default
When you go back to the statistics tab, you always get the statistics of the week. Default setting. Couldn’t we memorize our choice if we prefer to see the statistics of the day, the month or the year or others without having each time to go to make the choice in the drop-down list? props: […]
1.3.* dnt - false / true
Hi, is there the possibility for a setting of the dnt (true / false)? I would like to be able to offer it. Thanks a lot. Best regards Jack
1.3 Option to show all most visited pages
Currently I can only see the 200 most visited pages in a give timeframe. I can see the total views for a single page in the field “burst_total_pageviews_count” but I cant from that see when the page was viewed. I would like to see all pages visited in a given timeframe and not just the […]
Track goals when object is in viewport
On my website, I sell advertising spaces invoiced by CPM, is it possible to measure the number of monthly display of each banner?
1.3 React Dashboard
We will be changing the underlying technique for our dasboard and the statistics page to React and scss. One of the main reasons is because WordPress is using react more and more. Mostly because of Gutenberg. Love it or hate it, it is here to stay. Another reason we will be doing this is because […]
1.2 [Page Speed] JS scripts loaded in Footer
Hello everyone, I would like to propose an idea to speed up the loading of pages with JS Script inside. Move all the JS Scripts into the Footer, recovering precious seconds on the loading time of the web pages. Sincerely
1.3 Remove mu-plugins code
Having to install code into mu-plugins folder makes the use of this plugin more complicated and not it is definitely not simpler. I suggest you add all this features to main code and if you feel you need to keep the plugin simple just create an advanced tab.
1.3.0 Today statistics
I realized that I wait until midnight to see the chart for today. I am aware of the reason why you do not include today’s statistics in a chart but maybe you can consider show it as hourly stats.
(Possibly in 1.3.1 ) Conversions tracking
It would be nice to show conversions. It should be easy to count the purchases and compare it to visitors.
Pro: Country of visitors should be visible
It would be very helpful if we could see the country where our visitors are located.
1.2 optimize tracking script for PageSpeed Insights
The loading time of the script is 1.2 on the site that’s long for a site
Widget most read articles
It would be nice to have a widget that shows the most read articles. For example, the last 7 days, 14 days or the last month.
1.3.0 Current Day Metrics
Hi Team, I was thinking that a current day view in burst (under the Statistics menu) would be good. At current, I can see everything that is TODAY – 1 but cannot see the metrics for the current day. Thanks, Brad
1.3.* Count Downloads please!
I run a site which offers free downloads under licence. To ensure I do not breach the terms of the licence, I would like to be able to count the number of downloads.
Add capabilities so I can choose who can view and edit Burst Statistics
Add capabilities to define which role can manage burst and who can view the statistics.
Top Requests
- 1.3 Option to disable count on Admin visits. 17 Votes
- Mail-Report 16 Votes
- Pro: Country of visitors should be visible 15 Votes
- Export Data zu csv-files 13 Votes
- track woocommerce transactions 12 Votes