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16 votes


Send scheduled report (weekly, monthly, …). Best if mail-address can set free without limitation to registered users. On-Top: Report as DIN A4-PDF as additional option. But as HTML-Mail first, for faster readability.

Released Category: Feature 5 comments
13 votes

Export Data zu csv-files

It would be great if we could export all the data to a csv-file (or a set of csv-files) so that they can be imported to a BI-tool like Qlik or Power BI

Planned Category: Feature 4 comments
12 votes

track woocommerce transactions

To rival GA it would be great to track conversions such as purchases directly instead of through page views. It would also be great to be able to populate the value of a conversion. Preferably dynamically.

Planned Category: Feature 0 comments
11 votes

1.4.0 Add goals and keep track of them

Add a way to add custom goals to keep track of important website metrics. For example clicks on outgoing links and clicks on buttons. Another custom goal could be keeping track of Woocommerce sales.

Released Category: Feature 1 comment
11 votes

Pro: Filter Page Views / Visitors by Country

It would be nice to be able to filter the page views and visitors for each article by the country they came from. This is something important for German speaking regions because Austria, Germany and Switzerland have different words for the same thing and if an URL contains expressions that are relevant for two countries […]

Released Category: Setting 0 comments
9 votes

Export Reports

It is really important for us if there is a possibility to export all te reports so we can analyze the data more easy.

In development Category: Metrics 0 comments
9 votes

Memorize the daterange or set a default

When you go back to the statistics tab, you always get the statistics of the week. Default setting. Couldn’t we memorize our choice if we prefer to see the statistics of the day, the month or the year or others without having each time to go to make the choice in the drop-down list? props: […]

Released Category: Setting 0 comments
9 votes

Pro: Filter out vistors from specific countries

The challenge with the current dashboard is that it shows for example 100 page views to page1.php. However in my case my website is national, if traffic is coming from Russia or China it is probably bots or redundant traffic not valuable to me. Somehow it would be nice to see from where the traffic […]

Planned Category: Feature 0 comments
9 votes

Charts be first in Dashboard

I think the Statistics tab should be first to seen on the dashboard. This is the main information and we need to make one more click to see it.

Planned Category: Feature 4 comments
8 votes

Traffic measurement on a domain where the plugin is not installed

I want to have Burst Statistics plugin installed on subdomain “m.domain.com” on separate web hosting and measure traffic for main domain “domain.com”. I want to keep the database size of web on “domain.com” as small as possible and with minimum number of plugins. This is the only main feature, which is missing for this plugin. […]

In development Category: Feature 0 comments
8 votes

List clicked external links

I would like to see which external links the visiters click and how many times. Jetpack has this feature where I can see the number of times the links are clicked. I cant see however on what page the visitor clicked on the link. I need this information to track where and how often visitors […]

Approved Category: Feature 2 comments
8 votes

1.3.0 Today statistics

I realized that I wait until midnight to see the chart for today. I am aware of the reason why you do not include today’s statistics in a chart but maybe you can consider show it as hourly stats.

Released Category: Metrics 4 comments
8 votes

Anonymized Tracking Options

A way of anonymously tracking user hits on specific pages from specific referrers, and an ability to drill down regarding the behaviour of those visitors after they landed on the page. This would give us the ability to better dial-in ad campaigns that we may run on specific platforms (ie Facebook, Twitter) but without violating […]

Approved Category: Metrics 1 comment
7 votes

Overview of click statistics for Outbound Links

It would be useful to have an overview of the click statistics for each of the outbound links on a page, to easily track the amount of clicks on each outbound link. In the current plugin version, one would have to create individual goals for each of those links.

Planned Category: Feature 0 comments