What is a Pageview?

In web analytics, a pageview is a metric that represents a single instance of a user viewing a web page on a website. When a user requests a web page from a server, a pageview is recorded for that page. Pageviews are commonly used to track website traffic and understand how users interact with a website.

Pageview as KPI

Pageviews are often used as a key performance indicator (KPI) in web analytics because they provide insights into how many users are visiting a website, how frequently they are visiting, and which pages are the most popular. By tracking pageviews over time, website owners and marketers can identify trends, evaluate the success of marketing campaigns, and make data-driven decisions about website content and design.

How Burst Calculates a Pageview

For every page that is loaded, Burst waits for engagement by the website visitor. Examples are:

  • Clicking on a link
  • Scrolling the page
  • Playing a video

There’s also a time limit of 5 seconds, anything above or any interactivity explained above and Burst triggers a pageview. Otherwise, it will be called a bounce.

Unique Pageviews

It’s important to note that pageviews are different from unique pageviews, which represent the number of distinct users who viewed a particular web page during a specified time period. Unique pageviews are a more accurate metric for measuring user engagement and can help to eliminate duplicate views from the same user.

Overall, pageviews are a fundamental metric in web analytics that provide valuable insights into website traffic and user behavior. They can be used to evaluate website performance, identify areas for improvement, and optimize website content and design.

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